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Our Working Model

Navet Analytics’s working model is about giving you insights into the possibilities for your business so you can feel safe when you change or develop it. We support you throughout the entire journey of transformation, whether it is about strategic foresight consulting, a company or property transaction or help developing modern ERP systems.

Navet Analytics’s specialists have deep industry knowledge in construction and property, infrastructure, logistics, banking, finance and insurance, manufacturing and food, the IT service sector as well as service and trade.

We work in teams we tailored to your needs and our employees’ skills and experience. You can always count on our commitment to your success. Our culture is one of responsiveness, creativity, reliability and stability.

In order to successfully carry out complex assignments, you need a structured work method that ensures quality at every step.

Navet Analytics’s three-step methodology is called Analysis-Structure-Implementation.

Analysis always takes place in close collaboration with the customer and aims to create a relevant and objective foundation on which decisions can be made. This base includes the company’s internal data and conditions as well as important environmental factors, depending on the nature and purpose of the transformation process.

Structure, clear and forward-looking, provides a good overview of the situation and facilitates decision-making. Our reports, which are adapted to each assignment, give our customers facts and knowledge in an efficient and descriptive manner.

Implementation – the third step. Here, the entire transformation process is completed and “activated”. We give customers the support and specialist help they need to succeed on all levels. Navet Analytics regularly participates throughout entire transformation processes. A team of selected specialists is supplemented, if necessary, with other skilled people in our network. This way, we can ensure professional problem-solving even for requirements that arise during the implementation phase.