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Transformations & transactions

We help our clients through the entire transaction process, from analysis, valuation and due diligence to consulting and problem-solving in connection with property or company transfers, restructuring and capital acquisitions.
Within strategy consulting, we regularly work with business development and business planning. We provide high-quality services which add value, particularly in the early stages.

Sales and Acquisitions | Financial Due Diligence | Strategy Consulting | Analysis and Valuation

Navet Analytics has extensive market knowledge and conducts analyses and modelling of property portfolios as well as markets and segments. We also perform property valuations, business valuations and other valuation-related consulting.

Sales & Acquisitions

Property transactions are one of our best-established areas in the transaction market. We manage both commercial and residential properties, as well as individual properties or larger holdings and companies.

Over the years, we have been highly successful working for so-called involuntary property owners. This can consist of operating properties that must be rented out in order to release significant capital and benefit the core business. Our team includes registered estate agents.

We also work independently of the property industry, mainly with owner-managed companies with a turnover of SEK 25-250 million. In this segment, sellers are often unfamiliar with transactions, and we take this into special account when developing our methodology. For example, our work regularly begins with an analysis phase where, among other things, we manage price expectations so sellers aren’t disappointed later on.

Through our developed network, we can usually identify the buyer category at an early stage, meaning the process can usually be carried out with a high degree of confidentiality and integrity.

Financial Due Diligence

Successful due diligence can be the difference between that the buyer or seller pulling out or not. Buying and selling are complex processes, and they can often be a good deal of uncertainty. We have extensive experience in analysing, evaluating and reporting financial and commercial issues for both buyers and sellers.

An often-underestimated form of due diligence is so-called seller due diligence, which is done in preparation for possible future transactions. It’s an effective way to analyse the reasonableness of the seller’s price expectations and ensure all formalities are quality-assured.

Strategy Consulting

We have solid experience in business planning. The first step is often an analysis of the market and external factors. Hence, we perform an internal analysis, which describes your current situation and is often summarised in SWOT analyses. With that foundation laid, we then discuss end goals and strategies for getting there. Professional business planning requires good project management and a solid internal anchoring process.

Analysis and Valuation

We have extensive market knowledge and perform analyses and modelling of property portfolios, valuations, property economic investigations and market or segment analyses. We also do company and property valuations, business valuations and other valuation-related consulting.

Anna Mildner
Partner, Head of Corporate finance
+46 (0)72-211 05 59