070-558 09 14 info@navetanalytics.se
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Our values

Our values are at the foundation of our work. Our core values represent what we stand for, how we work, what we can achieve and how we want to be perceived.

We are Responsive – It is crucial for us to understand what the customer require and always assure them that we are reaching the goal in every situation by keeping our decision paths short and being responsive.

We are responsive with our employees every day so they can balance their work with family and leisure time.

We are Creative – We are dedicated to our work, make our thoughts clearly known, and always deliver customer-specific solutions.

Navet Analytics’s employees work in a stimulating working environment, meaning they are always motivated to deliver according to the best of their ability and contribute to your development.

We are Reliable – We communicate openly and honestly, and have good business ethics, high morals and integrity. We always comply with laws and requirements, choose the best possible solutions and prioritise sustainable solutions.

Through honest and trustful dialogue with our customers, suppliers and employees, we create and maintain good, long-lasting relationships.

We are Stable – We work for long-term profitability and are strongly anchored in our market. We are autonomous and independent, always working for the benefit of the customer and never swayed by any form of remuneration other than that paid by the customer.

We take a long-term approach to our employees’ professional development and offer good opportunities for training, career development and health care.